HSMAI: ROC and The HSMAI Awards back to London

HSMAI Region Europe is moving the ROC and The HSMAI Awards back to London! Please save the date and sign up for the ROC already today to secure space for you and your team on the early bird rate!

(We offer the same prices as this year for the hotel & travel industry)

HSMAI ROC 2020 – Take The Lead in Revenue Strategy

The Savoy.

Tuesday January 28th 2020
The Savoy Hotel in London

Welcome to Europe’s number one place for the latest trends and news in Revenue Optimisation, Digital Marketing and Distribution for the travel and hospitality industry. HSMAI ROC 2020 will prepare attendees to take the lead in revenue strategy. The educational sessions are focused on elevating leadership and business acumen, anticipating and responding to headwinds, aligning sales, marketing, and revenue optimisation efforts, adapting to the ever-changing landscape of hospitality technology, and driving profit throughout the customer journey.

Save the dates!

hsmai-roc-europeTuesday January 28th
The HSMAI Awards

– Top 20 Extraordinary Contributors to the Industry in Sales, Marketing and Revenue Management
– Young Hotelier of the year
-And more!

fullsizeoutput_285Wednesday January 29th
Chief Revenue Officer (CRO) Executive Roundtable

By invitation only

Pre workshop for CRME certification

Become a Certified Revenue Management Executive

(Venue: TBA)